Thursday, February 1, 2007

I was a bit unsure what to write about in my first open blog post. I decided it’d be a good idea to write about something interesting and recent. I decided on this past weekend’s Badger hockey games. We played Minnesota State on both Friday and Saturday. The games were pretty much polar opposites. The first game I won’t go into much. We lost to those menacing Mavericks 1 to 3. Saturday night’s game was completely different though. We scored early in the first period. It made for a nice start to a game. A small fight also broke out in the first period. It wasn’t anything too serious. The refs just had to break up a couple of players. In the second period, we scored again. I’m not sure if it was this scoring, or the heat of the moment, but a huge fight broke out in the second period. It started with two players, and as soon as the refs got that fight broken up, at least two more started up. They came complete with gloves and helmets being whipped off and punches thrown. Both teams ended up with at least 5 players in their penalty box. They couldn’t even sit down in there due to the lack of room. Coming into the third period tensions were high. They were even higher when Minnesota scored their first goal, making it 2-1 Badgers. A few minutes later though, Jack Skille scored his second goal of the game, almost assuring a Badger victory with a score of 3-1. With only a couple of minutes left in the game, the Mavericks pulled their goalie in order to get some needed goals. This allowed for Jack Skille to score a third goal. In hockey, it’s called a hat trick when one player scores three goals in a single game. I’d never seen this before, but I’m glad I did. It was quite a sight. The crowd went nuts, and at least a dozen fans threw their hats onto the ice. This really was the icing on the cake that was a great game. This was easily one of the best hockey games I’ve seen in my life, and it assured that hockey is the sport for me.


keith said...

i just got in to hockey a few years ago (and that really only applies to badger hockey) but i'm a lifelong fan of hockey fights. the only thing that compares is a good bench and bullpen clearing baseball brawl, or of a less violent nature, manager/umpire fights.

Becky said...

I have hockey tickets too, but didn't make it to the games last weekend. I have been a hockey fan all my life, being from Minnesota and having my brother play hockey and parents on the hockey board does that to you. How long have you had badger hockey tickets? There was a really good fight last year when we were playing the U of M at home. Almost everyone on the ice was fighting and two guys started to pretend to fight so the refs would look at them instead. It was pretty great.

Andy said...

I've never been to a Badger hockey game before, but I have heard all about them and want to go sometime really soon. Aren't they not doing as well this year. I mean, after a national championship, anything sub-par is considered 'not doing so well.' But, wasn't Elliot out for a while? i don't know, but i hope things pick up! Go Badgers!o